Women's Awareness Blog

{October 11, 2014}   My BODY IS THE GARDEN OF MY SOUL ~

Our Bodies-1 copyhttp://goddesspriestess.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/may-2014-054.jpg

“…so it has been: women’s power has declined as woman’s belly has been violated and shamed…5,000 years of patriarchal culture has degraded belly, body, woman, the sacred feminine, the soul, the feminine sensibility in both women and men, native peoples, and nature–all in a single process of devaluation. Because our belly is the bodily site of feminine sensibility, our patriarchal culture marks the belly as a target of assault, through rape, unnecessary hysterectomies and Cesarians [sic], reproductive technology, legal restrictions on women’s authority in pregnancy and childbirth, and belly-belittling fashions, exercise regimens, and diet schemes…a culture that literally hates women’s guts…” –Lisa Sarasohn, The Goddess Ungirdled

“Our bodies are vessels of the sacred, not the homes of sinful urges. Our bodies create and sustain the sacred. And that sacredness does not equate with any artificial notion of bodily perfection. All of us are fit habitations for the divine, no matter what the diet doctors, fitness gurus, health good fanatics, New Age healers, and the fashion police try to force on us. If we don’t take our bodies into account in our expression of [our religion], then it becomes a mere shadow of itself. When we are fully present in our bodies… becomes a three-dimensional, vibrant, fully fleshed-out expression of the divine…” –DeAnna Alba in How to Flesh Our Your Magick

Love Yourself as a sacred vessel, an expression of the divine. The giver of life. Rejoice in all the incredible gift of YOU. Love yourself wholly and completely.  Remember who you truly are as a divine creation. You are beauty and love itself. Celebrate you, celebrate life.

Wilson says:

Just out of morbid curiosity what do you think human culture looked like beyond 5000 years ago? Was it a utopia devoid of the evil patriarchy? If so what do you base that on?

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