Women's Awareness Blog

{December 13, 2009}   Videos on Ghb

So hello from the sidelines. I watched this video made by a young woman who was drugged with date-rape drug and raped. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvOpN-QQs_U  At least there is alot of talk and videos like this that are coming out that help to raise awareness. I remember how ignorant people were when my daughter was drugged with Ghb. It is so amazing that Ghb is made from floor stripper. People can actually go to a hardware store and by the chemicals to make the drug. Here is a video on how it is made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIRXSP73U0w What is even more amazing is that it is oderless, colorless, and tasteless. What you probably didn’t realize is how widespread Ghb is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kiL3mNNjhI  I would like to speak to young college-aged women and and men and show them videos like these, one pictures is worth a thousand words, who would want to be in this condition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAGN7ZPtwnU  Be aware of your surroundings and your open containers. Be smart and be safe

et cetera