Women's Awareness Blog

{October 24, 2014}   Empowerment can neither be bottled nor sold…

I go to malls only a couple times a year, yesterday was one of those times. I went shopping for a man but didn’t find a lot of options and, in contrast was struck by the disproportional amount of merchandise offered in large department stores and boutiques cater to women or targets the female gender. It is completely disproportional, but then I realized the entire shopping experience by what is offered suggest that girls / women are incomplete and need to redefine their identity by all the merchandise defined by merchandiser as to what is the female experience.

One Targeted Group of Women are Boomers “…The number of wealthy women investors in the U.S. is growing at a faster rate than that of men. In a two-year period, the number of wealthy women in the U.S. grew 68%, while the number of men grew only 36%. – The Spectrem Group http://she-conomy.com/facts-on-women

How about this statistic:  Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases including everything from autos to health care: http://she-conomy.com/facts-on-women

• Over the next decade, women will control two thirds of consumer wealth in the United States…http://she-conomy.com/facts-on-women

But women are not the only target watch this video make by a for-profit t-shirt company called FCKH8.com…little girls are dressed in princess costumes using F### to talk about RAPE, ASSAULT, and EQUAL PAY….crosses the line… isn’t it a crime to exploit children??? Putting grown up words in children’s mouths to deliver a message is exploitation… (http://rebeccahains.com/2014/10/22/fckh8s-f-bomb-princess-video-isnt-offensive-its-exploitative/) …capitalizing on the shock effect the little girls generate just to SELL T-Shirts is disgusting…but nothing is sacred to marketeers…even using little children or the concept of feminism…they’re merely a means to an end??? i.e., corporate profits…

More disturbing is Society finds little girls saying the F word more offensive than the number of little girls and, their counterpart, women, reported every day who have been drugged, assaulted, exploited, raped, mutilated, murdered, and more. The video was reported pulled from YouTube…http://allenbwest.com/2014/10/shock-video-little-girls-drop-f-bombs-feminism/

“…this censorship gets to the exact point that the girls in the video are making… that society finds it more offensive for a girl to say f!@k than they do the fact that 1 out 5 women are sexually assaulted and raped and that women get paid 23% less than men for the exact same work. :  http://allenbwest.com/2014/10/shock-video-little-girls-drop-f-bombs-feminism/ Who is responsible for making this video and what does it say when we have to have children deliver a message on feminism?

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