Women's Awareness Blog

{February 14, 2015}   What kind gun for a woman?

Sadly, the myth that women are somehow less able or too weak to shoot a powerful handgun exists; it exists in gun stores, on the web or anywhere a woman might go to purchase a firearm or perhaps even within her family or social circles…http://thewellarmedwoman.com/what-kind-of-a-gun-for-a-woman

So, here is a truth if you want to stop a rapist carry a gun. Its a simple truth. It’s the responsible thing to do. The experts say It will end rape. According to self-defense expert Paxton Quigley handguns play an important role in society: they stop rape. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/07/25/do-u-s-women-need-guns-self-defense-expert-paxton-quigley-says-yes.html

A Well Armed Woman: survival stories

These stories are gripping and, only the tip of the iceberg ( http://thewellarmedwoman.com/women-and-guns/survival-stories) You need some kind of self defense training whether it’s a gun or martial arts or another type self-defense is a wise choice.

…the gun and its mythology is the ultimate form of violent masculinity…Women can also be a part of this social acceptance of firearms, as they can be seen as being tools for protection. ” http://www.wilpfinternational.org/guns-and-gender-based-violence/

Husband’s fantasy…let see..buy GHB and hire a predator to sexually assault his wife: http://wtvr.com/2015/02/09/police-husband-purchased-ghb-to-drug-sexually-assault-wife/  It must be the water.

I watch a program the other night called the Pyramid Code that offered proofs that experts from all the sciences are meeting to attempt to re-date history as much has been tossed, suppressed, plundered, destroyed, or discovered much later dissolving older theories while new ones emerged (Newton v. Einstein.) Ever hear your expectations affect the outcome of your experiment. Nevertheless, these scientist claimed mankind is just coming out of its’ lowest spiritual connection since the Golden Age 40,000 years ago, which these experts report is a more accurate dating of the earliest matriarchal Egyptian dynasties. Point being the shift hasn’t happened yet our society is pretty depraved. Don’t take my word, listen to the media, the music, the cable, the advertisements, your friends, co-workers, by standers…It doesn’t matter it’s everywhere. Look around there’re a lot of deprave people who look at women like prey or objects and can easily buy GHB and wait until you’re most vulnerable.

Wake up. Look around. Know the landscape. Predators are waiting, watching, Let’s hope, the whole planet wakes up and raises their awareness of the need to learns to live in peace and love and respect all life. If you have a husband, let’s hope he’s got your back, otherwise he’s not worth it like the guy in the video above. What’s he thinking? Any guesses? Be aware take self-defense classes.

Awareness is key. You are the miracle you seek.

“The one thing a violent rapist deserves is to face is a good woman with a gun!” That was Wayne LaPierre, executive director of the National Rifle Association, the standard bearers for America’s gun lobby, making the case that personal firearms prevent rape.” http://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2013/mar/25/guns-protection-national-rifle-association WHAT DO YOU THINK. If you were about to be raped how would you feel if you had your gun to pull? Empowered? What’s your take?

According to National Sporting Goods Association, female participation in target shooting grew by 46.5 percent between 2001 and 2010, to 4.89 million shooters. The National Rifle Association reports an increase in female participants in classes and events by as much as 20 percent…http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/07/girls-with-guns-how-arming-more-women-could-change-america/260421/  It make sense that women are showing up. Why go to the slaughter unarmed. Men will think twice when it becomes a fact that women are armed for protection.

About half (48%) of gun owners said the main reason they owned a gun was for protection, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in February 2013. About three-in-ten (32%) said they owned a gun for hunting. That was a turnaround from 1999 when 49% said they owned a gun for hunting and 26% said they had a gun for protection in an ABC News/Washington Post poll… http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/04/24/5-facts-about-the-nra-and-guns-in-america/  The statistics don’t lie. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes.  http://www.lifeafterdatingapsycho.com/blog/dating-violence-statistics-and-definitions

Make it your personal goal to take some form of self-defense classes in 2015.

Did you know that your biggest defense tool is your voice? Most assailants want the people they attack to stay as peaceful as possible so that such people do not attract any response. So if someone attacks SCREAM attract a lot of attention to yourself.

Did you know this…Anything you do in a violent, life-threatening situation that does not cause an injury is worthless to you. This article goes on to say you’ve got about 5 SECONDS in a violent attack. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/self-defense-techniques

5 SECONDS against a man. A violent man. How well might you do? What would you do. Remember 5 SECONDS> You know what, as women we need practice…we need training. I’ve heard positive things about the Israel self-defense training. I think we owe it to our daughters, grand-daughters, nieces, and all you dear sisters our there around the planet…to be responsible for protecting ourselves against attack…we need to focus our attention on learning the art of self-defense.

I read these stories told by women who hide their faces to testify to what they endure across the planet: assault, rape mutilation, torture, murder, and worse atrocities and violence against women. http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/30/world/meast/isis-female-slaves/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

These assaults include messaging demeaning the very spirit of the female principle. The violence women and children are suffering at the hands of ISIS terrorist should be a battle cry for all armies of the world to rise up and exterminate terrorism and violence against against all peoples no matter their gender or the color of their skin or the their religion. If you’re not a part of the solution then you’re the problem. There is definitely evidence that ISIS terrorism is not defined by boundaries. A woman schooled in self-defense is better prepared to defend herself and her family. Be prepared. What I also find unacceptable is using the name of the Egyptian female goddess of rebirth and Mother of Life, ISIS’  [see: http://www.goddessgift.com/goddess-myths/egyptian_goddess_isis.htm], name to symbolize an aberrition of patriarchy.  People hear the name ISIS and associate it with the atrocities of violence.

We live in the twenty-first century yet cannot figure out how to live in peace and compassion with one another??? Or perhaps, there is something else at work. Perhaps, these atrocities and violence against women and children as war casualties is merely a reflection of free enterprise and globalist who pull the strings in the background financing wars and making mega billions selling arms to all the waring factions. They aren’t concerned with who wins or looses or who lives or dies. Its disgusting business, war.

Wake up…be hyper aware and care about yourself enough to arm yourself with self-defense.

It saddens me to report the remains discovered a few miles from where the University of VA student, Hannah Graham, disappeared have been identified as belonging to Hannah Graham.  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/10/24/hannah-graham-remains-found-in-virginia-police-confirm/

Take Self-defense classes. Women who fight their abductor have a stronger chance of survival.

imprisoned on death row for five years prior to her hanging for killing her rapist…as long as one girl/woman among us must suffer these atrocities none of among us are free. http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/25/world/meast/iranian-woman-execution/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

TAKE SELF DEFENSE classes 🙂 the chances of a predator succeeding diminish significantly when the victim fights back. escaping with your life is cautious courage.

GET THE FACTS FROM THIS RESEARCH ON WOMEN & SELF-DEFENSE: http://vaw.sagepub.com/content/20/3/252.abstract (FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT CITE)


The Internet reports that Watson had died, to “a long history of this sort of bullying aimed at women on …the Internet, especially feminists.” http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/23/showbiz/celebrity-news-gossip/emma-watson-speech-nude-photos-threat/index.html?hpt=hp_t4
“It’s just the latest in a long history of online efforts to intimidate, belittle, threaten and cow women into hiding and shutting up — the message, of course, being, if you dare to do or say something we don’t like, we’ll expose you in return,” McDonald wrote.
Watson’s speech, delivered Saturday as part of her role as a goodwill ambassador for U.N. Women, drew attention for her poignant remarks about the need for equality and for men to embrace feminism.
“If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive,” she said. “If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. … It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideals.”
Opinion: Emma Watson gives feminism new life http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/23/showbiz/celebrity-news-gossip/emma-watson-speech-nude-photos-threat/index.html?hpt=hp_t4

WOMAN BLAMED FOR HER OWN RAPE: http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/24/justice/woman-blamed-for-her-rape/index.html?iref=allsearch


EVERY 2 AND HALF MINUTES A SEXUAL ASSAULT HAPPENS: http://www.self-defense-mind-body-spirit.com/crime-statistics.html

A WOMAN WHO FIGHTS BACK GAINS AN 86% CHANCE OF AVOIDING RAPE: http://www.cjselfdefense.com/statistics.shtml

One woman will be forcibly raped every 6 minutes!. http://www.psdtc.com/Womens/womens_self_defense_rape_prevention.htm



Having the delusion that it can’t happen to you or that it’s something that only happens to other people is the kind of attitude predators depend on.: http://roogirl.com/14-self-defense-tips-every-woman-should-know/

et cetera