Women's Awareness Blog

As many of you, who have followed my blog in the past, know, I’ve been distracted by the intensive work of editing a novel, Shadow Dance, which is written in memory of my beloved daughter, who died as a result of a GHB poisoning, and, for whom this site is in memoriam. I am so thrilled to inform you that the work of editing is paying off. Shadow Dance has received literary mention, by the William Faulkner Literary Awards for 2015 Best Novel Honorable Mention!

It will not be long before Shadow Dance will be available in bookstores, as well as if you place a request here for a free copy once published in gratitude for following and supporting raising awareness of violence against women.

WFLA 2015 Best Novel Honorable Mention Shadow Dance Cat Lynn Boyle





2015 Winners

This has all been rewritten and published under the title: A Forever Story…follow the links: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YQ7SJGC

Raised on Disney’s Beauty and The Beast, I totally bought into the princess waiting patiently for the prince to arrive. Girls are taught from the beginning to be nice and patient with an abusive partner (or parent etc. ) like the Beast and as long as you remain so, he’ll transform into a Prince. This was totally the pattern in my life.

Growing up seemed a drill for marriage. My parents harassed me to sit straight, cross your legs,  and to be hyper-vigent about what position my legs took when I sat. Sexuality was suppressed. But, ironically, my parents left me in harm’s way. When I was 5 my father’s drunk best friend molested me in the backseat of my father’s car, while my father and mother were in the front seat oblivious to where his best friends hands reached. I never told my dad until I was 30 yrs. old, and he walked away from me disgusted not by what happened but by what I confided. When I turned 9, my father eerily watched me in secret as I drew female body parts on a doll. He then snuck up behind me grabbed the doll tossing it and took me to my room where he took off his belt and beat me. I felt such shame begging for forgiveness over acknowledging my own sexuality. Soon after, also, when around 9, I was molested by a gang of neighborhood boys. Later, my parents kept screaming did he put his “thing” in you, over and over. I didn’t understand what “thing” meant but realized it was something more horrible the touching genitals. When I was 13 my father’s business partner, to whom my parents volunteered me as a babysitter, molested me before driving me home and giving me more money than I earned babysitting. When I confessed to my mother she said I was never to tell my dad or anyone else, or bring shame on the family. When this man, as well as my father’s best friend who had molested me, came to our house I had to pretend nothing had happened. Between 15-16 my father refused to allow me to date even though by 16, I was a senior in high school. To my dad, boys were threatening and he policed me and accused me falsely of secretly meeting boys but by then I lost interest in dating boy preferring my girlfriends. My parents sent messages to me constantly indicating female sexuality was threatening, needed to be hidden, not discussed, or suppressed otherwise it brought harm and shame. Wow, did my sexuality really stand a healthy chance?

My trajectory to becoming a woman arched between 1964 and 1972, and, by 1970 I embraced the cultural sexual revolution  meaning sexual liberation and freedom. Married by 18 my marriage failed largely because I wasn’t that into sex with my husband. Divorced by 20 someone drugged me with a date rape drug and raped me. A second and third marriage failed, including a marriage to a Christian Grey character (Fifty Shades of Grey), who abused, raped and stalked me. Overall, I survived all the Beasts, including my father, patiently waiting for the prince but he never arrived.

Now, in the 21st century gender equality ushers women to a new threshold pushing the boundaries of the old rules to a no rules status on a par with men. Anything goes for gender equality now means…you can show your bra or your panties, or go braless, wear no panties, wear a thong while rock climbing to a photo shoot [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2948865/Irina-Shayk-goes-topless-displays-pert-posterior-thong-bikini-racy-Sport-Illustrated-swimsuit-issue-shoot.html], pole dance in your bedroom, bondage in the marital bed, children imitating the scantily dress of porn stars…women seeking genital surgery to loo like porn stars…Inclusive of female gender equality arrives fifty shades of grey liberating sexual violence and danger, and promoting the depraved notion that women really enjoy rape, sodomy, bondage and being abused. Is consent to abuse truly sexual liberation? Leading female vocalists, reality stars and Hollywood personalities strip down and bottom up for pole dancing or to use their breast and bottoms as objects for selling products. Nothing is sacred about the female anatomy in western civilization. Feminine modesty lies hidden somewhere behind the Middle East Burqa. Porn and porn queens dominate mainstream pop culture with what once was discovered in hidden places now is available at the flip of a switch to you cable network.

But, how do these cultural evolutions impact our young girls and women today and their emerging sexual identities? For no matter the place in history, female sexuality in western culture i.e., the rape culture, is distorted, exploited and manipulated for commercial purposes. Sex and sexuality sell products, concepts and ideas.

In this article, the author contends those mixed signals about sexuality begin with Beauty and the Beast. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/megan-maas/love-hurts-what-we-learn-from-beauty-and-the-beast-twilight-and-fifty-shades-of-grey_b_6672742.html?utm_hp_ref=women&ir=Women

We are more than our bodies.

{February 14, 2015}   What kind gun for a woman?

Sadly, the myth that women are somehow less able or too weak to shoot a powerful handgun exists; it exists in gun stores, on the web or anywhere a woman might go to purchase a firearm or perhaps even within her family or social circles…http://thewellarmedwoman.com/what-kind-of-a-gun-for-a-woman

So, here is a truth if you want to stop a rapist carry a gun. Its a simple truth. It’s the responsible thing to do. The experts say It will end rape. According to self-defense expert Paxton Quigley handguns play an important role in society: they stop rape. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/07/25/do-u-s-women-need-guns-self-defense-expert-paxton-quigley-says-yes.html

A Well Armed Woman: survival stories

These stories are gripping and, only the tip of the iceberg ( http://thewellarmedwoman.com/women-and-guns/survival-stories) You need some kind of self defense training whether it’s a gun or martial arts or another type self-defense is a wise choice.

…the gun and its mythology is the ultimate form of violent masculinity…Women can also be a part of this social acceptance of firearms, as they can be seen as being tools for protection. ” http://www.wilpfinternational.org/guns-and-gender-based-violence/

Husband’s fantasy…let see..buy GHB and hire a predator to sexually assault his wife: http://wtvr.com/2015/02/09/police-husband-purchased-ghb-to-drug-sexually-assault-wife/  It must be the water.

I watch a program the other night called the Pyramid Code that offered proofs that experts from all the sciences are meeting to attempt to re-date history as much has been tossed, suppressed, plundered, destroyed, or discovered much later dissolving older theories while new ones emerged (Newton v. Einstein.) Ever hear your expectations affect the outcome of your experiment. Nevertheless, these scientist claimed mankind is just coming out of its’ lowest spiritual connection since the Golden Age 40,000 years ago, which these experts report is a more accurate dating of the earliest matriarchal Egyptian dynasties. Point being the shift hasn’t happened yet our society is pretty depraved. Don’t take my word, listen to the media, the music, the cable, the advertisements, your friends, co-workers, by standers…It doesn’t matter it’s everywhere. Look around there’re a lot of deprave people who look at women like prey or objects and can easily buy GHB and wait until you’re most vulnerable.

Wake up. Look around. Know the landscape. Predators are waiting, watching, Let’s hope, the whole planet wakes up and raises their awareness of the need to learns to live in peace and love and respect all life. If you have a husband, let’s hope he’s got your back, otherwise he’s not worth it like the guy in the video above. What’s he thinking? Any guesses? Be aware take self-defense classes.

Awareness is key. You are the miracle you seek.

The unspoken rule of femininity:  you’re always supposed to be sexy, but you’re not supposed to be slutty. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/05/i-am-not-a-slut-leora-tanenbaum_n_6623114.html?utm_hp_ref=women&ir=Women

Do you believe female sexuality is policed? Are there two standards when it comes to sexuality?

Words connote cultural double standard: …”slut” means a woman who is disgusting, shameful and out of control sexually….[yet] [m]en are expected, even encouraged, to be sexually active — even in an uncontrolled manner — while women are expected to be minimally sexual.

Did you know…The very first usage of the term “Slut” is from 1386 from Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales.” It appears as a noun, “sluttish,” and refers to a man who is dressed in dirty and untidy clothes. Over time, “sluttish” became a noun, “slut,” and eventually it was used exclusively to refer to women — always a slovenly white woman from the poor or working class. From the very beginning, you can see the intersection of race, class and gender in the usage of the word “slut.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/05/i-am-not-a-slut-leora-tanenbaum_n_6623114.html?utm_hp_ref=women&ir=Women

“Well, that girl deserves to be called a slut, because she chose to do something wrong.” It’s that mentality that always dovetails with the mainstream response to sexual assault. When woman comes forward and says, “I was sexually assaulted,” the default mainstream response is to accuse her of exerting agency [dressed slutty, intoxication, etc.] to provoke the assault….THE PRESSURE on women….It’s god damn exhausting!

You don’t wanna be a prude and you don’t wanna be a slut. It’s really impossible….evaluated and judged through a sexual prism no matter what… Either women are not sexual enough or women are too sexual.

There’s really no way to win. .. because so many adults are judgmental about the way young women present themselves in public. They just don’t understand how these young women have to walk on this razor-thin tightrope to not be a prude, not be a slut, be sexy but just the right amount, not show that they’re exerting any effort — you just woke up looking sexy in this very understated way.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/05/i-am-not-a-slut-leora-tanenbaum_n_6623114.html?utm_hp_ref=women&ir=Women

Avoid the pitfalls of labels, criticism, comparisons, and judgments by becoming independent of the need to compare yourself and fit in. Release the need to be more anything in the eyes of others. Eliminate competition in your life and retreat into quiet strength. Seek awareness.

Why should women accept street harassment?  The message is repeatedly sent to women that they should take precautions, rather than have the audacity to demand that men stop harassing and assaulting them in the first place.

As we become used to the idea that it is “normal” for women to stick in protective groups on nights out, or text when they are safely home, we also create a parallel norm: that harassment and assault are natural and even expected parts of life, rather than deliberate, criminal acts undertaken by people who should be tackled. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/womens-blog/2015/jan/30/the-impact-of-sexual-harassment-goes-far-beyond-the-incident

How do you feel inside when men cat call after you as you walk down a street? Do you change your route? Do you dress different? Do you like it? How do you define predator?

{February 5, 2015}   End public sexual harassment…

Men Tricked into catcalling their own mama…WAYCH: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/womens-blog/2015/jan/30/men-tricked-into-catcalling-their-own-mothers-the-video-that-went-viral

“The one thing a violent rapist deserves is to face is a good woman with a gun!” That was Wayne LaPierre, executive director of the National Rifle Association, the standard bearers for America’s gun lobby, making the case that personal firearms prevent rape.” http://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2013/mar/25/guns-protection-national-rifle-association WHAT DO YOU THINK. If you were about to be raped how would you feel if you had your gun to pull? Empowered? What’s your take?

According to National Sporting Goods Association, female participation in target shooting grew by 46.5 percent between 2001 and 2010, to 4.89 million shooters. The National Rifle Association reports an increase in female participants in classes and events by as much as 20 percent…http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/07/girls-with-guns-how-arming-more-women-could-change-america/260421/  It make sense that women are showing up. Why go to the slaughter unarmed. Men will think twice when it becomes a fact that women are armed for protection.

About half (48%) of gun owners said the main reason they owned a gun was for protection, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in February 2013. About three-in-ten (32%) said they owned a gun for hunting. That was a turnaround from 1999 when 49% said they owned a gun for hunting and 26% said they had a gun for protection in an ABC News/Washington Post poll… http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/04/24/5-facts-about-the-nra-and-guns-in-america/  The statistics don’t lie. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes.  http://www.lifeafterdatingapsycho.com/blog/dating-violence-statistics-and-definitions

Make it your personal goal to take some form of self-defense classes in 2015.

But closed circuit T.V.s told the true story of what happened that night: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/27/vanderbilt-rape-guilty_n_6558710.html

{January 22, 2015}   21st century: eroticizing bondage

There is now far greater tolerance of sexual experimentation than two generations ago.

All too many members of society sit uneasily with the notion that when it comes to sex, “anything goes.” The extreme levels of narcissism are increasingly matched by the practice of sex without attachment. Sexual mores no longer seem be keeping up with the unprecedented advances in communication. The rapid decay of any sexual boundary in the 21st century disturbs both editors and readers. They see pornography with its often brutalizing images as dehumanizing the pleasurable vistas of sex. http://yoricksblog.com/2013/12/17/30-21st-century-sexual-mores/

So where is sex going?

Poorly written [http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/12/28/50-shades-of-grey-is-the-subject-of-a-course-at-american-university.html] English paperback, Fifty Shades of Grey mainstreams bondage eroticizing dominance and submission. Isn’t it true Rape is about control…submission and dominance.  Sensationalizing bondage feeds the beast that rapes. A Rape Culture is systemic. EL James , fortyish TV executive and mother of two is a product of Rape Culture. http://articles.latimes.com/2012/apr/17/entertainment/la-et-fifty-shades-of-grey-20120417  http://www.snarksquad.com/category/books-2/fifty-shades/fifty-shades-of-grey

Already, the hint of release of the movie version of the book in February increased sales at sex shops. Ever notice whatever the media decides to focus on and sensationalize,  affects sales and profits & losses. It’s all a means to an end: bottom lines and profits. What sells? Sex sells, exploitive sex…even poorly written unrealistic fluff sells if it’s erotic like a novel eroticizing bondage. But, what about the fallout from a Rape Culture? The fallout affecting innocent ones. But, the world is not iffy shades of grey its light.

Break free of media portrayals defining women or womanhood.

et cetera